welcome to my kitchen.
Hi, I'm Kaetochi. I'm your typical food-obsessed millennial. I live in Washington D.C. with my wife and dozens of houseplants.
I used to spend most of my free time and mental energy thinking about work, but these days I work a 9-to-5. Instead of staying up late doing research for a client, I now stay up late reading the 500th article on how to achieve the ultimate ice cream fruit swirl. I have found myself fantasizing about adding cardamom to everything I bake, scheming about how to use all of the vegetables in my CSA, and dreaming up new ice cream flavors (because ice cream).
My favorite thing about food is sharing it with others, so I'm excited to share my recipes and food musings with you!
Follow me on Instagram for new recipe alerts and updates on what Iām currently making: @kaetochikitchen