grilled cheese with brie, strawberries, and balsamic caramelized onions

Ingredients (for 2 sandwiches)

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 sweet onion, thinly sliced

2 teaspoons fig balsamic vinaigrette (or substitute balsamic vinegar)

About 1/4 cup butter, room temperature (you’ll use a little at a time)

10ish large strawberries (about a pint), stems removed and thinly sliced

About 1/3 pound or 5 ounces brie, thinly sliced

4 slices of sourdough or hearty wheat bread


  1. Heat oil in a skillet or cast iron pan on medium low heat.

  2. Cook the onions, stirring occasionally for 20-40 minutes until they are caramelized: they should look limp and dark brown. If the onions begin to sear or burn, turn down the heat.

  3. Once the caramelized onions are ready, stir in the fig balsamic vinaigrette and transfer to a small bowl and set aside.

  4. Add 1 tablespoon butter to pan. Once butter has melted, add strawberries to pan and saute until strawberries are soft. Transfer strawberries to a small bowl and set aside.

  5. Liberally butter both sides of each slice of bread.

  6. Turn heat up to medium high and lightly toast one side of each slice of bread in pan. Toasted side of bread should be just slightly browned.

  7. The following instructions are for assembling one sandwich. Repeat for the second sandwich.

    • Lay half of brie on toasted side of one slice of bread.

    • Cover brie slices with half of cooked strawberries.

    • On the second slice of bread, cover the toasted side with half of the caramelized onions.

  • Assemble sandwich by matching the slice with caramelized onions up with the slice with brie and strawberries.

  • Melt a little more butter in pan at medium heat. Place sandwich back on the pan and toast each side until bread is brown and crispy.

About this recipe

Now available by popular demand (aka the request of one enthusiastic friend 😘), my wife's recipe for grilled cheese sandwiches! Okay okay she has more than one grilled cheese recipe, but this is by far my favorite one. I have to load up on the lactose pills but this cheesy gooey goodness is absolutely worth it. I hope you enjoy it as much as we do!


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